
Well, hello everyone! I am so excited for the beginning of the new school year and having a brand new group of students! I began this blog to help keep parents informed as to what's happening in our class. I want to make this blog fun and interesting for parents and teachers alike. My goal is to share class activities, happenings, ideas, websites and anything else that may come to mind for our student's education.Please feel free to explore our blog. I welcome any comments and/or ideas you may have. As a matter of fact, I encourage it! You can follow us by email for any new posts or updates.

Welcome to Pre-K Letter for Parents

Welcome to Pre-K
August 2012
Dear Parents,
We are very excited to be your child’s teacher and look forward to an enriching and rewarding school year.  So many great things will happen in our class! Our objectives this year are to help better prepare your child for kindergarten emotionally, socially, and academically in a positive and nurturing environment.
Below you will find some of the skills focused on in Pre K:
Ø Reading Readiness: listening to and following directions, left to right progression when reading and writing, letter identification, and letter sounds;
Ø Math Concepts: patterning, sorting, one to one correspondence, greater than/less than, shapes, size sequencing, number recognition, number writing, simple addition and subtraction;
Ø Fine Motor Skills: manipulating small objects, tracing, painting, coloring, pencil grip, correct letter formation (writing), and cutting;
Ø Science: cooking, measuring, weighing, simple experiments and trying to predict the outcomes, open exploration;
Ø Awareness of self: respect of self and others as well as our school community, waiting one’s turn to speak and play, and completing daily tasks.

Please note that school begins at 8:00 and you will drop off and sign in your child in the pre-kindergarten classroom. We ask that after your child is settled in that you say your good-byes quickly. We understand that the first few weeks may be a little harder to make the separation, but there are a few things you can do to help ease the transition. It is so important to develop a routine that works for you and your child. Always say good-bye and communicate with them when you’ll be back. Reinforce that you support and feel comfortable with them being here. We will call you if your child does not feel comfortable. We promise!!  We want what is best for your child.
Pick up is at 2:30.  Please walk in and sign your child out in the classroom. Your child will be asked to wait to greet you until after they have been signed out.  This will help insure their safety.
Please send in an extra set of clothes, including socks, to keep at school in case of an emergency. Please send clothing in a large Ziploc bag, with their name on the outside of the bag.  If your child does need to be changed, please make sure their extra clothing gets replaced by their next school day. Also, please make sure you have your childs name on all extra clothes they bring to school.  This includes jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts.
  It would be very helpful if your child knew the following skills and information. Please work on any of the skills and/or information below with your child that he may need help with.
1. His/her full name, parent’s name, and phone number.
2. How to wash his/her hands with soap and water as well as how to dry them
    without assistance.
3. How to put away playthings and materials after using them.
4. How to use a tissue when blowing his/her nose. How to cover his/her mouth
     with his/her arm while coughing or sneezing.
5. How to take off and put on clothing including jackets, mittens, etc.
     without assistance.
6. How to unfasten and fasten clothing including zippers, snaps and buttons.
    PLEASE make sure that your child knows how to take care of ALL his/her  
    bathroom needs including wiping him/herself without assistance.
We realize many students may not have mastered all of the above, but working together, we’re sure, it can soon be accomplished.

We will occasionally send home Scholastic book orders.  The more books we order the more points we get for free books for our classroom. 
We are looking forward to working with each child and are excited to be a part of their growth and development.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the school year. 
Let’s work together to make this year full of fun, learning, and personal growth for your child!

Thank you,
Ms. McKenzie
Ms Parker

P.S. We are starting a classroom blog to share photos, news and happenings in our class.  Please go to www.Mckenteach.blogspot.com ,bookmark it and be sure to comment often.  


  1. Good Job! Looking for something to tweak so that I don't have to reinvent! Thanks!

  2. This newsletter was well put together with all the necessary information any parent can relate to. When I start my pre-k class, this will be so helpful to me and my parents.

  3. Great welcoming letter for pre-k parents!
